Monday 2 April 2012

Rap Tribute! :O

Lyrics :

Yo everybody sit down an listen
Our story is beginning, 1643 in Britain
A boy was born curious and confusing
First name Isaac, last name Newton

A mathematician, astronomer and a physicist
Theologian, philosopher, the best to exist
Newton was the man, a straight OG
Born on the death of Galileo Galilee
Trying new ideas, find new wisdom
Reading the bible, testing religion
Challenged the truth, of the trinity
And experimented heavily in alchemy
Studying mechanics, and mathematics
Looking at the world, and movement of the planets
He was brilliant and strange, didnt have many friends
He was N E W T O N

Whuddup everybody yall know who it is
The names Isaac Newton Im an English physicists
Studied really hard, you know I never quit
Made a Math theory called it calculus
CALCULUS yeah you got it
Also developed my theories on optics
At Cambridge, got my education
And I came up with the theory of gravitation
Calculate it precisely never any flaws
And found for gravity a universal law
Calculate it out 6.67
Times ten to the power of negative eleven
This applies to everything in the galaxy
From the moon up in space to the apple on the tree
Being really dope, making telescopes
Everybody sing the chorus you know how it goes

Sup its Hooke, rapping on the song
Yo Isaac Newton, youre totally wrong
Im the innovator, the true originator
Yo Hooke, why you hatin on a playa?
I came up with F =x-k
Yo your just frontin cuz you never got laid
Hooke your just a hater, causin some commotion
But still came up with my three laws of motion
Wrote in principia mathematica
Law number One, thats inertia,
An object at rest will want to stay at rest
Until another force moving it is expressed
Law number Two, yo that law states
That F equals m times a
Law number three, thats the last and were done
Every action has an equal and opposite one!

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