Friday, 24 February 2012


On January 4, 1643, one of the world’s greatest scientists was born – Sir Isaac Newton. (Although he earned the titled “Sir” much later after birth!) You may know that he defined the law of gravity, helped create the field of calculus, explained planetary motion , etcetra, but there are so many other interesting facts about this great man.

Some laws that Newton forgot to mention about. XP

Some Laws that Newton me you will find each one absolutely true.

Law of Queue: If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now.

Law of Telephone: When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged one.

Beastie Boys - Sounds Of Science! Find out how this song is related to Newton :)

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


All the physicists are playing hide and seek. Einstein is the ‘den’ and stands against the wall with his eyes closed and counts till 100 to enable all the physicists to run and hide. At the count of 100 Einstein turns around and finds Newton standing there.


Some quotes by the legend.

Errors are not in the art but in the artificers.

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.

I was like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

10 jaw-dropping facts about Newton :O

1. Baby Newton Wasn’t Expected to Live
In 1642, the year that Galileo Galilei died, Isaac Newton was born prematurely on Christmas Day*. Named after his father, who died just three months before he was born, Isaac was a very small baby not expected to survive. His mother even said that Isaac was so small that he could have fit inside a quart mug. (Source: Isaac Newton’s Early Years [wiki])

*There is controversy about this date, some said that he was born on January 4, 1643. The discrepancy is due to the adoption of the new Gregorian calendar.


Tuesday, 21 February 2012

It's tea time! :D

"Sir Isaac Newton... suggested to lawyers that they should drag their arguments into the late afternoon hours. The English judges of his day would never abandon their 4 o'clock tea time, and therefore would always bring down their hammer and enter a hasty, positive decision so they could retire to their chambers for a cup of Earl Grey."


Isaac Newton's mother took him out of school so he could help run the farm believing that, since he was good with his hands and had a quick mind, he would be a very capable manager. But because he was indeed quick with his mind, Isaac was an absolutely terrible manager.
When he was supposed to be watching the sheep or cows, Isaac was curled up under a shady hedge with a book. When he was supposed to be taking the produce to market, he was down in the fields jumping this way and that, trying to determine by the lengths of his jumps, what the force of the wind was. When he should have been feeding the chickens, he was jotting down thoughts in his notebook. At the front of the notebook he'd proudly written 'Isaac Newton owns this book.'
It included, among other things, his formula for making chalk, recipes for purging the head and making the brain clear, a phonetic alphabet, methods for making gold ink, magic tricks, and astronomical observations. And while he wrote all these ideas, the cattle were wandering onto the neighbor's land and the hens were still waiting for their eggs to be collected.


A woman, under the mistaken impression that Isaac Newton was an astrologer, once asked him to help her find her purse - lost, she said, somewhere between London Bridge and Shooters' Hill.
Newton declined and sent her away, but the woman proved tenacious, returning more than a dozen times. Finally, exasperated, Newton donned an eccentric sorcerer's costume, chalked a figure on the ground, and intoned, "Abracadabra! Go to the facade of Greenwich Hospital, third window on the south side. On the lawn in front of it I see a dwarfish devil bending over your purse."
The excited woman then scurried off and - according to legend - found her purse on the Greenwich Hospital lawn!

Bang On!!

One evening during the Anglo-Dutch wars, Isaac Newton entered the hall at Trinity College, Cambridge and announced to the assembled company that a historic naval battle had ensued earlier in the day - and that the English had been throttled. As Cambridge is a considerable distance from the shore and no other news had arrived of a battle, his colleagues were naturally skeptical. How, they asked, could he possibly know. Newton explained that he had heard several explosions (the firing of cannon) from his observatory, and that the noise had become progressively louder, suggesting that the English ships were retreating toward the English coast. The following day a full report of the battle arrived - and precisely bore out Newton's speculation.
Damn! :O

Shakespeare mimic :D

One day, Isaac Newton's dog knocked over a candle sitting on his desk. The ensuing fire destroyed the records from years of research. "O Diamond, Diamond," Newton remarked, surveying the damage, "thou little knowest the damage thou hast done."

Wandering Mind

One day Isaac Newton was sent to Grantham on business, a chore he always liked because he could drop in on his old friend the druggist, and spend the afternoon ogling the chemicals bottles.
On his way home from town, he dismounted his horse so it could have a rest, and walked along leading it by its bridle. As always his mind wandered. Perhaps he was thinking about the four wheel carriage he'd just built or the system of shorthand he'd created or maybe he was just watching the sunlight on the grass and wondering what made the grass green.
...miles and hours later he arrived at home not even aware that the horse had long ago slipped out of its bridle and he had walked the whole way back, alone.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Immortal Wit!

"What is your opinion," an Italian woman once asked Isaac Newton, "of the immortality of the soul?" "Madam," Newton simply replied, "I am an experimental philosopher."

Bubble Boy?

One day a nosy old widow was visited by a Fellow of the Royal Society, to whom she described the odd behavior of "the poor crazy gentleman" living next door.
"Every morning," she explained, "when the sun shines so brightly that we are obliged to draw the window-blinds, he takes his seat in front of a tub of soap-suds and occupies himself for hours blowing bubbles through a common clay pipe and intently watches them until they burst."

Ushered to a window by his hostess, the man was surprised to learn the identity of the "poor crazy gentleman": it was Sir Isaac Newton!


 One evening a friend arrived as scheduled to dine with Isaac Newton in his room. Finding him deeply engrossed in an abstruse mathematical problem, he simply sat down to wait.
Some time later, a servant brought dinner in - for one; Newton had forgotten about his invitation. When Newton continued to work at his desk, the friend, taking care not to disturb him, pulled up a chair and consumed Newton's meal.
Shortly thereafter, Newton, having finished his work, finally looked up and was startled, first by the presence of his friend, and then by the absence of his dinner: "If it weren't for the proof before my eyes," he declared, gazing at the empty plate, "I could have sworn that I had not yet dined." :D